老人说日晕的民间说法 北京上空出现日晕

08-27 游戏 投稿:禄琨
老人说日晕的民间说法 北京上空出现日晕 2023-08-27 07:00:34 导读 今日最新消息小杨来为大家解答以上问题,老人说日晕的民间说法,北京上空出现日晕很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 日晕三更雨...












Spring and summer is the most likely season of halo. Recently, people in Beijing, fenyi jiangxi province and xiamen, fujian province, have enjoyed the phenomenon of solar meteorology and it has greatly satisfied people s curiosity. And there is a strange phenomenon that in the last few years of our country. In recent years of China, when there is even year(2016、2018、2020), the sky showed halo. But the odd year of 2017 and 2019 is not accompanied by solar halo, so we re curious about whether there s solar halo in 2021.

What is the scientific phenomenon of the sun halo and the halo rain? Let s take a look at the beauty of the halo.

It is like a rainbow with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple these colors, so the solar halo is essentially that the sun pass a three-prism then sun is broken into colorful light.

The cause of the rain is that water vapor cools in the air and condenses into clouds, forming rain when water droplets in the clouds can t keep floating in the air. So the rain exist after halo, indicating that there are clouds in the air. There is ice crystals in the clouds, so there is the prism. Daylight passes through the ice crystal clouds, then people see the halo.

Beautiful solar halo is always popular with people. Every time this strange natural phenomenon occurs, people always spare no effort to collect all kinds of photos to share their love for the magic nature.

Ancient people have no idea of the principle of halo and take it as an unlucky phenomenon. The ancients thought it was a sign of disaster such as war, force, disorder of Yin and Yang. One of the most familiar stories is the white rainbow . This is about the chaos of the regicide. The minister is the rainbow, and the king is the sun. The most famous assassin story is Nie Zheng assassinated the Han Xiang and Jing Ke assassinated Ying Zheng.

But in the Tang and Song dynasties, people knew the sun halo s principle as scientific as present. The Tang dynasty poet Zhang Zhihe, not only had good poetry, but also wrote the book to illustrate the experimental method of simulating rainbow formation. So in ancient times, the color of emei, the color of the rainbow, the halo of the star moon, the clouds of five colors and so on are the similar phenomena.

Quality is all around us. The same is true of natural phenomena. Who would associate the halo of the sun above Beijing with the ancient the white rainbow ? But, from the ancient times, the needs of our heart are the same. In addition to the scene appreciation, we tried to record and share findings with words, lines, photos and experiments, and we have been able to observe and read the rules behind this phenomenon, and to improve the ability of humans to recognize nature.

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