口语演讲happiness moment

08-17 滚动新闻 投稿:从诗蕾

Wouldn’t you love to always be happy?

Happiness comes from within, and is the choice of the individual. Negativity and hatred are also a choice, and each person leads the way to their own well being. It is easy to except when we accomplish something great and gain happiness, but hard to grasp the concept that when something goes wrong we must take responsibility. This is because often times it feels that things are so bad that we could have never have brought it upon ourselves, but it is not what you choose in the present that shows up immediately, it is the residual of your past choices. We are constantly living in our past. The choices we have made are who we are currently, and the choices we make today are already shaping our future.

Thoughts heavily influence out choices. Millions, if not billions, of thoughts are flooding our head every single day, some we are unaware of and some we have total control over. Each thought, or bundle of thoughts, have an emotion, and just as we show our thoughts through choice, we show are feelings through our thoughts. You know the days when you wake up in the morning and stub a toe while getting out of bed, and because of the incident everything goes wrong, traffic is horrible, work is pilled up on your desk, lunch is still sitting on the kitchen counter at home and you have no money? The thoughts in your head were negative when you stubbed your toe, and as a result you made a choice to have the rest of your thoughts that day be negative. A few negative thoughts are not going to create a life of hell, but what if you made a conscious effort to try and think positive? Just for a whole day try and be optimistic seeing the light in everything and everyone. When you got up in the morning and stubbed your toe, instead of getting upset, y

二、演讲是口头表达的艺术。演讲的内容,一要 ;二要 ;三要 。

一 要,主题要明确。二要,思路要清晰,三要,生动,风趣,富有表情。








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