
08-17 科技 投稿:岑梦琪

  同一个世界同一个梦想(One World One Dream)

In 2008 , Beijing will hold Olympic Games。All the people ara very excited。 Our goal is "One World One Dream"。   It expresses the wishes of people 。 Including friendship ,peace and progress。 We have differences in colors, languages and races ,but we can share the happiness of the Olympic Games。  We belong to the same world and we share the same wishes and dreams。

Olympic spirit includes not only the spirit of sports,but also the people"s spirit。   So we need it in the games ,and our daily life also needs it 。 Friendship makes stranges became friends。 We should be friendly to foreigners 。   Each Chinese person will join in 2008。 56 brothers and sisters will stand up together, hand in hand 。 We will welcome the foreigners 。   We will wish the best for the 2008 Olympic Games。

资料来源: All rights reserved。
