
08-16 手机 投稿:边颖慧

I love to sing, love to dance, in the city's award-winning game. I want to run for literary committee. Singing can cultivate people's sentiments, dance can train a person's body. I would like to lead everyone to sing and dance together, this can enrich our campus life, in strive, exercise at the same time, more conducive to our learning.


敬爱的老师,亲爱的伙伴们: 大家好!今天我很荣幸能站在老师的三尺阵地,我竞选的是宣传委员,戴尔·卡耐基曾说过:“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格担任这个或那个职务。


1. 曾连任几届宣传委员,有丰富的经验和足够的能力。

2. 关心集体,积极参加各项活动。

3. 有责任心。

4. 遵守学校各种规章制度,学习认真。另外我还有当班干部跟重要的一点——恒心,不管当上后有多么辛苦,我都会持之以恒,和其他的干部携手与老师创造五彩缤纷的“无名天书”,与同学同舟共济,打造真正的一班。我还要告诉大家,虽然我不是最聪明的,但是我会做出最大的努力,虽然我不是最好的,但是我要做更好的。请相信我,将您宝贵的一票投给我吧,这一定是您无悔的选择! 谢谢 但一切都要靠自己才行,要看自己的真诚实意,往往这样会打动人心。






Hello everyone,my name is XXX,I want to be the monitor.I think I have many reasons to make you give me your tickets.


Hello,everybody: This is xxx. Here I feel very much honoured to have a chance to make a speech for running for monitor of our class. 这里,我十分有幸为竞选本班班长一职发表演说。 I am adequate to be in charge of the class, because I am provided with such a capability. 我能够胜任管理本班,因为我具备这种能力。(以下列举“首先…其次...尤其…) Firstly, … Besides, … what’s more, … I am in duty bound to serve the classmates.为全班同学服务我责无旁贷。 I am sure I can lead the whole class to realize the following matters concerned this semester我相信我能够在本学期带领全班完成如下事宜:(以下列举) I hope all of you should believe in me and cast a vote for me.希望大家信任我并投我一票。 That’s all. Thank you! 仅此。谢谢!


Today, our class held the monitor election. `And I became the new monitor in my class. I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now. When the election began, I was so nervous that I can hear my heart beating heavily. I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech. I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech. Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. It’s a happy thing.




My name is Li hua. I would like to be the class monitor. Here are my reasons.

First, I can get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. Second, I work very hard so I do well at school. Finally, I can help teachers and I’m ready to help others.

Choose me as the class monitor. I promise to help you and make our classroom beautiful.


尊敬的老师,敬爱的同学们:大家好! 我是XXX,很荣幸我今天能在这个舞台上演讲,这次竞选班委,我要竞选的是体育委员,我自小便喜欢运动,跑步是我的强项,这个大家应该都知道,而其他的体育项目我也都不差,都是全校前几名,而且我对工作一向比较负责,老师有什么工作任务,我很爽快的答应并且很快的完成。








一、Dear classmates,

I am here to introduce myself as the labor member of our class.It is my great honor to take this responsibility and I will set good example for you by doing my best to keep our classroom clean and take part in all kinds of activities.Give me a chance and I will not let you down!Thank you !

二、Dear classmates,I am here to introduce myself as the labor member of our class.It is my great honor to take this responsibility and I will set good example for you by doing my best to keep our classroom clean and take part in all kinds of activities.Give me a chance and I will not let you down!Thank you !
