
08-17 游戏 投稿:所俊

说实话,这个只能靠平时积累,break up 是摔坏, break off是中断,call up时打电话,call off,好像没这个词组,get up 是起床,get off是起飞,keep up 是保持,keep off,没这个词组吧? hold一般跟on ,表示继续努力,make up吧什么弄在一起,make off没有这词组,look up 查找,turn up ,吧音量调高,turn off ,把什么关掉




Be careful小心

Can I help you 我能帮你吗

Yes, go ahead 是的,说吧

Don"t mention it.不要再提起了

How is eveything going?事情进展的怎样

Best wishes.美好的祝愿送给你

Good luck.祝你好运

I can"t afford it.我支付不起

Wait a moment.等一下

Hurry up.快点


take photos

have lunch

care for

be good at

do well in

be ready for

get off

get on

compare with

look at

show around

use up

join in

take part in

do sports

play games

be form

look like

eat out

fly kites

get up

go to bed

look  for

wach TV

stand up

fall down

perform ballet

be born

take a walk

go out

make money

stay up

put up

prepare for

grow up

turn down


close to

up and down

a set of

sth be used for sth



E get up 1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发;

3.到达; 4.专心于 1.What time do you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. What page have you got up to? 4.The children are very quiet; I wonder what they"re getting up to.

E.I give away 1.赠送,捐献

2.出买,泄露,暴露 1.She gave all her money to the poor. 2. Mary was given away by her father.

3.He tried to pretend that he wasn"t worried, but his shaking hands gave him away.

I give back 送还,恢复 1.Give me back my pen. 2. Give me my pen back.

E give in 1.认输,让步,屈服;

2.交上,呈上 1.The boys fought until one gave in. 2.Give your examination papers in (to the teacher) when you"ve finished.

I give off 发出,放出 to give off steam

A give oneself away 泄露,露马脚

A give oneself up 自首,投案,投降 He gave himself up (to the police).

I give out 1.分发;

2.耗 尽 1.Give out the examination papers. 2.His strength gave out.

E give up 停止,放弃,辞去 1.to give up one"s studies 2.Give your seat up to the old lady.

A give way to 让位于,被...代替;


I go after 追逐,追求 to go after a job / girl/ prize

I go ahead 前进,领先,开始 Work is still going ahead on the new bridge.

I go along with 赞同,支持 We"ll go along with you/your suggestion.

A go around/round 流传,足够分配 1.There are a lot of colds going around. 2.Why do you go around with such strange people?3If there are not enough chairs to go around,some people will have to stand

A go back on 违背 =to break or not keep(one"s promise,agreement,etc.)

I go by 1.经过

2.依照,遵守 1.A car went by. 2.to go by the rules

I go down 下降,减少;

被接受,受欢迎 1.The floods are going down. 2.Three ships
