
08-17 资讯 投稿:欧惜灵

  How to Get Along With PeopleThe following suggestions may help you to get along well with people。Firstly, always say less than you think。   Speak in a low, persuasive voice。 How you say it counts more than what you say。Secondly,keep your promises, no matter what it costs。  Thirdly,never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody。 Praise good work, regardless of who did it。   If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully。Fourthly,be interested in others, their pursuits, their work, their homes and families。   Fifthly,be cheerful。 Don"t burden or depress those around you with your small disappointments。 Remember, everyone is carrying some kind of a load。    Lastly,keep an open mind。 Discuss but don"t argue。 It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable。

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