
08-09 资讯 投稿:曹婉

《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".

★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.



★《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".

★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


★《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".

★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".

★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


小学生作文存在的最大问题就是不具体,其实这个不具体到高中还有有九成孩子不知道怎么叫不具体。 说得明白点就是孩子在写作文的时候描述一个事物,或者一件事,或者一个动作等等都写不好,他描述完了,读者还是不知道这是个什么样的事物,或者什么事情。 这个需要系统的训练,从低年级要训练如何把句子写完整,写具体,写生动等等十种句法,中年级要训练 四要素段式,总分段式,分层叙述段式 空间变化段式等等十种段式,高年级需要训练 正面描写,侧面描写,插叙,倒叙等八种章法和两种文体转换。这是小学作文权威专家张赛琴老师提出的。张老师也有完整的小学生体系作文教学视频,建议你去看看。


《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.

★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".

★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".


4. 语言活泼明快富有情趣。

5. 大量采用生活中的口语使文章更显自然亲切。
