
09-02 科技 投稿:淡冰蝶
Classic Sport 是按照艺术规则建造的,采用桃花心木或柚木等木种进行水平的特殊装饰。从里到外,所有的设计都是为了给乘客提供一个愉快的船上时光。在航海方面,Classic Sport 具有无可指责的行为和安全保障。Perfect combination of a Classic Express and a Picnic Sport offering comfort and flawless navigation.The Classic Sport is built in the rules of the art with levels of exceptional finishes in wood species such as mahogany or teak. Inside and out, everything has been designed to offer passengers a pleasant time on board. In navigation, the Classic Sport has an irreproachable behavior and a guaranteed safety.