
09-16 资讯 投稿:夫雅隽
sat考试中国考点(sat考试) 2023-09-15 20:02:50 导读 你们好,最近小极发现有诸多的小伙伴们对于sat考试中国考点,sat考试这个问题都颇为感兴趣的,今天小活为大家梳理了下,一起往下看看吧。1...



2、There is no penalty for guessing wrong on the SAT, so even if you don t know the correct answer, you should fill in an answer bubble for each question. If you find yourself with a few more questions and only 30 seconds left, you should answer all the questions at random.


4、2. Prepare for the format and be familiar with the exam format

5、Knowing what to expect is half the battle on the SAT. When you sit down to take the test, you want everything to look familiar so you can avoid mistakes triggered by stress. At the very least, you should review the timing and structure of the exam before test day. Taking practice tests with appropriate time constraints is the best thing you can do to alleviate confusion on this front.



8、Don t linger on difficult problems, and don t give them a hard time.

9、Staying on a question for too long will seriously affect your performance in the SAT, especially considering that the SAT has only four parts. If you don t know how to solve a math problem, or you can t seem to make a choice on a writing or reading problem, skip it and move on. You can come back to study after completing the rest of this section.


11、4. Read the introduction first and read the introduction first


13、5. Ask questions with line numbers first. Ask questions with line numbers first.




17、7. Use the problem of finding evidence to follow the lead.


19、A question often arises: Which option provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? This is an evidence problem,






25、 9.When in Doubt, Choose the Most Concise Answer 猜题的技巧

26、The shortest answer is often the best answer on the Writing section because good writing consists of saying what needs to be said without any unnecessary fluff. Super wordy answers are usually not the ones you want. Of course, this doesn’t hold true for every single question, but it’s a solid rule of thumb if you’re stuck.


28、10.NO CHANGE Answers Are Just Like Other Choices NO CHANGE也是选项之一

29、Often, NO CHANGE answers are wrongfully viewed as more likely or less likely options than other answer choices in the Writing section. In fact, they’re just as likely to be correct as any of the alternative options. Don’t be afraid to pick NO CHANGE if you’ve double checked your reasoning and determined that it’s the correct choice.

30、很多同学看到文法题中的NO CHANGE总是一脸懵逼,总觉得这种选项怪怪的,所以做题的时候不敢选这一选项。其实NO CHANGE跟其它选项一样,只不过是四个选项中的一个选项而已,


32、11.Get Rid of Duplicate Answers 选出特别的那一项

33、Sometimes, questions on the Writing section will have answer choices that are so similar to one another that choosing one over the other wouldn’t make any functional difference in the sentence structure. This means you can get rid of two choices in one fell swoop.


35、12.Know the Formulas 熟记公式

36、Although the SAT does provide important formulas at the beginning of each of the Math sections, you’ll be a much more efficient test-taker if you have the formulas memorized. It's a waste of time to keep flipping back to the beginning of the section whenever you think you need a formula to solve a problem.


38、13.Plug in Answers 代入法:化繁为简

39、If you have no idea how to solve a math problem, one way to get around that is just to plug in the answer choices until you find the correct solution.



42、14.Annotate 加强笔记法练习



45、15.3W Principle for SAT Essay 掌握3W原则



48、3W Principle for SAT Essay:

49、What the author does?

50、Why he or she does it?

51、What effect this is likely to have on readers?

52、16.Template for SAT Essay掌握SAT写作框架

53、掌握新SAT Essay 写作的构架技巧,能够让你用更加清晰的文笔将自己对原文的分析过程跃然纸上。


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