英语短文阅读? 小学英语阅读短文?

09-04 房产资讯 投稿:充清雅

Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change.

Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.




Lovely pandasPandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water. 根据短文的意思,选出正确的答案。 ( )1. The panda mainly lives in . A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China ( )2. is like a cat’s. A. The panda B. The panda’s face C. The panda’s body D. The panda’s tail ( )3. Where are the pandas’ hometowns? A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan ( )4. What’s the panda’s main food? A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass


Stephen Hawking is famous all around the word, I get to know him when I was in high school, I learned him from the English book.

Though Hawking is disabled at the early age, he never gives up and continues to woke on his job, finally he becomes the great man. Hawking’s story inspires so many people, his spirit gives people the enlightenment.



1. 了解文章类型:在开始阅读前,先看一眼文章的类型和主题。这有助于你更好地理解文字,掌握文章重点。

2. 识别关键词:在阅读过程中,要注意识别文章中的关键词,这些词通常与文章的主旨密切相关。可以画圈或划线,以便回答问题时快速定位。

3. 学会推断:有时候文章中并不会明确告诉你答案,但可以通过文章的上下文和自己的常识进行推断。例如,通过描述地点和人物行为来判断天气状况、时间等。

4. 注意细节:除了对文章的主旨和关键词理解外,还要注意文章中的细节。文章中的细节通常是答案的关键,例如人物姓名、地点、时间等。

5. 练习题型分类:根据过去的历年试题来看,小学英语阅读理解和完形填空常见的题型有细节理解、推理判断和词汇理解等。通过针对性的练习不同的题型和难度,能够更好的掌握应试技巧和提高成绩。

6. 练习阅读速度:小学阶段的英语阅读理解一般都是短文,练习快速阅读的能力可以帮助孩子更好地把握文章的关键信息和细节。可以通过多读多写、朗读等形式提高阅读速度。





One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.

一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。


United Nations is a country composed by each courtry in the world. The only five leading countries include China America French Russia and Britain. It has great influence in the world. I think its role is not to lead the world but to make the world a better place.





以下是初中英语阅读短文的一些技巧:1. 先读题目和问题:在阅读短文之前,先读一遍题目和问题,这样可以帮助你更好地理解短文内容,有针对性地阅读。

2. 确定文章类型:初中英语阅读短文的类型有很多,如记叙文、说明文、议论文等。了解文章类型有助于你更好地理解文章内容和结构。

3. 扫读全文:扫读全文可以让你对文章的大意和结构有一个整体的了解,同时可以帮助你找到关键词和短语。

4. 重点阅读:在扫读全文之后,重点阅读有关键词和短语的句子,这样可以更好地理解文章的细节和要点。

5. 注意上下文语境:在阅读短文时,注意上下文语境可以帮助你更好地理解文章中的单词和短语的含义。

6. 注意标点符号:标点符号在英语阅读中是非常重要的,注意标点符号可以帮助你更好地理解文章的语气和结构。

7. 多练习:多练习可以帮助你提高阅读速度和理解能力,建议多读一些英语材料,如英文小说、英文新闻等。





